“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
How many times have you worried that telling someone the truth or being completely honest with someone would just hurt their feelings too much so you have to tip-toe around the truth to soften it for them. Being nice rather than being honest has become the norm in society but the Lord teaches us that we should take a first-things-first approach. “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” By first going to the Lord and becoming more Christ-like we are seeking His kingdom and His promises. Jesus during His time upon the Earth did not soften his words when someone was seeking the truth. He delivered the hard truth even when those did not want to hear it. How refreshing that would be to ask a question and know that you are going to get the absolute truth, no sugar-coating, no half-truths, but the complete unbiased truth. Of course our feelings would be hurt from time to time but true friendships are built on truth and when it is spoken in love we can learn and grow from it.
When we align ourselves with the Lord and seek Him in all we do He promises to take care of us, walk beside us and never forsake us. That is an amazing promise and for us, being of Earthly flesh, it is a little far-fetched to believe. Someone to always speak the truth to us and never leave our side no matter what we have done or how far we pull away is an idyllic myth and so foreign to what we know.
Growing up I had a sister who was a complete narcissist, everything had to revolve around her and when it did not anyone in her path paid dearly for her unhappiness. She never sought the truth; she desperately wanted you to sugar-coat the truth so it made her look good. When she would ask me if she was a good sister, I would have to say that she was or she would get vicious. I bear a slight scar on my face from telling her that she was a selfish person. She is still the same way today – four children and fifty pounds later. Watching her children when they were younger I saw the unhappiness they felt at having to compete with their mother’s ego for attention and affection. Her love was always conditional, still is to this day. Now that I am an adult and able to see her clearly, I understand that she always put herself above anyone else; her husband, her children and even the Lord. In her quest for self-love and self-satisfaction she became a very jealous and unhappy person. Having her as a role model growing up – every little sister looks up to their big sister – I had the hardest time believing that Jesus sacrificed His life for my sins. There had to be some kind of ulterior motive, and there was; but it was a motive that benefited me not Him. God loved His people so deeply that He sacrificed His son to a horrific death so that we had the ability to draw closer to God. What a love that must be! Once I figured out that the Lord wanted me to seek Him and His word before all else, I understood the unhappiness that my sister felt. She put herself before the Lord – her wants and needs were her first priority, not her relationship with her Lord.
I have in the past several years since my daughter’s birth taken my wants and needs out of the equation and focused on my relationship with my Lord first and my relationship with my daughter second, all else in my life comes after and I know that He is here with me as He promises in Matthew 6:33. By focusing on Him, He is there to pick me up and carry me if need be. He promised to be there and provide for me but He did warn of trials and tribulations in this life. My true reward will come after my journey has ended in this life.