Monday, February 9, 2015

Little Blessings Uplift Me

After a week of the stomach flu and then a weekend of playing "catch-up" on my work, I have to say that was feeling down in the dumps on Sunday. Then my good friend, Kristy, calls me to tell me that her mom was diagnosed with cancer. This is Connie's third battle with the dreaded "C" word and that family is feeling the grip of Satan tightening on them.

Taking time to pray with Kristy and share her mom's needs with my prayer chains, I went back to figuring out things in my life and getting the ball rolling on a few projects. The ho-hum of the daily grind was starting to get to me last evening and I took a few hours to spend just sitting with my family and enjoying time with them. That was the first little blessing that lifted my spirit and gave me the ability to rest well through the night.

This morning, the dreaded Monday, I felt refreshed and ready to face the day. Even though I was somewhat dreading having my 1999 minivan inspected and emissions done that afternoon, I was feeling optimistic and happy. I took that feeling and reached out to an old friend who has been heavily weighing on my heart. I am prayerfully waiting for a reply.

Then I called Kristy to let her know she was in my thoughts. She was feeling down and depressed, I remember the horror I felt when my own mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. We spent about 10 minutes talking and praying. I told her that the Lord was in control and that He would knock Satan's discouragement from them so they could focus on His healing love. She did not seem overly open to believing that, which saddened me because she always seemed so strong in her walk with the Lord.

Feeling somewhat discouraged, I drove my slightly stubborn minivan to the garage for its inspection. It choked and sputtered a little on its way there and I prayed. Once the inspection was over and the mechanic handed me my paperwork, I praised God right then and there. I am sure that the mechanic has never had a woman throw her hands in the air and thank Jesus for His love and protection! Brian, the mechanic took it in stride and told me to have a blessed day.

Even though I have gone through some interesting trials this past week, there have been little blessings along the way that I was too blinded to fully see. Connie being diagnosed with cancer was not a blessing, but Kristy being currently unemployed and in the position to help take care of her mom through treatments is a blessing. My getting ill was actually a blessing because it showed me that in the rat race of life, time must be set aside for family, friends and a deeper relationship with the Lord.

My ill-tempered car is sometimes not a blessing, but the fact that it behaved and passed inspection was a true blessing and as funny as it sounds, Brian the mechanic witnessed someone praising the Lord over just a small thing in their life. It was a testimony to him about the love that the Lord has for me and the love that I try wholeheartedly to return.

So, as you walk through your day, take a moment to think through where you have been and who you have seen. What blessings have been staring you in the face today?

In darkness we will praise Him and in light we will praise Him. Do not be afraid to lift up your hands in thanksgiving no matter where you are!

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