Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Deliver Me

“He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.” Psalm 72:12
A few months ago, I felt everything unraveling and felt helpless. I was overwhelmed at work, felt lacking as a mother, and felt completely lonely and exhausted. One morning, I was sitting at my kitchen table, picking at my breakfast—soggy Cheerios—when a switch was flipped in my brain. I went into my bedroom and began a time of prayer.
After about an hour of prayer, the Lord gave me Psalm 72:12. I was completely convicted! I had forgotten the promise the Lord had made. He is there for me, to lift me and carry me through my trials. I needed to be reminded that even though I felt overwhelmed by my students, all I needed to do was call out to the Lord, and He would be there. My exhaustion and loneliness stemmed from essentially cutting myself off from the Lord and forgetting His promise.

I spent several days in serious prayer, I petitioned the Lord to stay by my side and keep prodding me to open up to Him. It did take a few weeks of going to the Lord every day and getting back into the habit of laying my fears and insecurities at the cross before the heavy clouds stifling my heart began to dissipate. Now, while I still have doubts and insecurities and students who drive me insane, I know that the Lord is with me and I just need to remember to cry out to Him when I need help and peace within my soul.

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