Friday, November 29, 2013

New Content Coming Soon

Hello to all! I have been amazingly busy these past several weeks. The Lord has really kept me moving and shaking things up!

I have started to do more freelance writing and have clients scattered across the globe. They have kept me pretty busy. Along with them, I have some young people that I have been working with on mentoring and they have kept me on my toes. Not that I am complaining...they are a delight to work beside as they discover His love and plans for their lives. I remember being that young (fresh out of high school) and not having an idea as to where He would lead me. How lost I felt! 

Now I am content to be walking the path He set my feet upon and am learning so much about myself, the Lord and the people He has placed in front of me. My prayer time is filled and I am finding my alone time with the Lord to be more fulfilling as I give up my control over matters. He is the one in control of my life and He will direct me. It took me almost 15 years to figure that one out!

I will soon be writing again for this blog and it is my hope that all who read it are uplifted and encouraged by my words and the things the Lord is doing through me. 

God's blessings and protection on all of you!
Rev. Michelle

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