Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God is so gracious

I had a run-in with my car door in that there is a crack in the shell. Normally this is not a huge deal but the crack just so happens to be located on the driver side just below the latching/locking mechanism. Go figure! Therefore my driver's side door was stuck closed. I now have to climb through the passenger's side to get into the driver's seat. The Dukes of Hazzard boys crawled through windows so this should not have been a problem...wrong! Take into account that I have RA and discs in my back are compressing. The extra twisting and turning was making things much worse for me!

I started praying for any help the Lord saw fit to bless me with...actually I was praying that the van door could be fixed for around $50 since money is hard to come by these days. After numerous calls to auto repair places and collision repair places as well as salvage yards it looked hopeless. The car is a 1994 and therefore so obsolete that working on her is just impossible. I was in a what?

Just when I was about to sink into despair and completely lose it, the phone rang and it was one of the salvage yards that I had contacted. They had found a door that would fit my car! Even though it is a disreputable looking door and blue...did I mention that my car is is a working door where I can actually get in and out without wrenching my back.

God is so gracious and while I think my door broke as a lesson to me in humility. He pulled me through and I now know not to take the little things for granted! The door is being installed today by a family friend who is absolutely amazing, always there when needed. I will eventually have the door painted to match the car, but for now, in the dead of winter, I will drive my red car with the blue door. It will be a reminder of God's graciousness and His ability to keep me safe and bring me through hardship.

This is not my normal type of post, but I wanted everyone to be aware of the way the Lord is moving in my life.

God Bless.

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