Friday, February 21, 2025


 “I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food.” Psalm 132:15

When you first read through Psalm 132 verse 15 your immediate thought would be that the Lord is referring to food that you eat; and that is what I first thought as well. Throughout the Bible, the Lord speaks plenty of providing food, shelter, and clothing for His people but in this vers,e He is giving us His promise to fulfill our Spiritual needs. Though food for our bodies is essential to our survival, food for our souls through God’s word is essential for our relationship with the Lord.

Without growing in the Lord we, the church, and we, the individual Christian, become stagnant and stunted.
Without fulfillment of our Spiritual needs, we become distant from our heavenly Father. He wants to have a close relationship with us and promises that if we call out to Him he will be there for us. 
This promise is revisited in Matthew 5:3-6, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven...Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” How can you be “poor in spirit”?
When you do not feel the love of Jesus covering you in all you do you are poor in spirit. When you do not feel a peace within your soul that is when you are poor in spirit.
We are all hungry and thirsty for righteousness – believers and unbelievers alike. This is a righteousness that we can never earn through work or buy with money or jewels. It is righteousness offered to us through the promises of the Lord: “her poor I will satisfy with food”.

I know I am being fed the word of God and He is filling my soul with peace and love. Not long ago my soul was at poverty level as I was too stubborn to reach up to the cross and ask for Him to fill my hunger. I just knew I could go it alone, face any demon that crossed my path, and come out the victor. When I finally did an emotional face-plant into the mud and muck I came to the realization that He has been there all along waiting patiently for me, His stubborn daughter, to lift up my arms and ask to be carried.

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