Trust in yourself.
Trust in others.
Trust in the Lord.
All three are scary statements. It has taken me a very long time to pull myself up from the rubble of my past and put one foot in front of the other. My steps led me straight to the base of the cross where I fell to my knees and thanked my God for never leaving me, even when I was stubborn and turned my back.
I set my burdens before the cross and handed control to the Lord, only to stand up and snatch it all back again when I felt He was moving too slowly or just did not care. I failed to hear His soft whisper, "Wait and trust."
When your world begins to crumble, the first thing you do is look for someone to blame. Am I right? You look at your boss, co-workers, spouse, child, parents, friends...everyone but yourself. You may even raise your eyes to the heavens and shout at God, blaming Him for your troubles. I know I have been guilty of this.
Instead of sitting in silence and speaking with God, I railed at Him, pleaded with Him, and then simply ignored Him and plowed ahead with some type of plan I created on my own (doomed for failure, mind you!). When I would fail yet again, I would lose all trust in myself and my abilities. Those failures also led me to lose trust in those around me because they could not stop my fall or lift me up out of the ashes.
Learning to trust again is one of the scariest things a person can ever do. It takes baby steps and for those of us used to standing up and sprinting toward the finish line, those baby steps can be terrifying and irritating. Spending a few minutes in prayer before opening yourself up to trust a situation or person will give you the answers you seek. The Lord will speak to your heart, you have to TRUST that He will guide you.
By opening your heart to the Lord, you are saying "Please help guide me. I trust in You."
Spend 10 minutes in the morning, before your day becomes hectic and life pulls you in all different directions, and ask the Lord to keep His hand on you and guide your steps. Then trust that He will do just that.
At the end of the day, before you close your eyes at night, give praise to the Lord for all the small things He did to help you through the day. Your trust in Him will grow with each passing day, and your trust in yourself and those around you will also begin to grow until you become the amazing person God created you to be.
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